July 04, 2010

Royal Ascot 2010 (Updated)

Talk to the hat, bitches!
Day 1

Day 2

The post will be updated as we get more pictures. Keep refreshing, kittens!

[Photo Credit: wireimage.com/gettyimages.com]

July 01, 2010

Digital Picture Now Comes Stamped

Why would you want a digital camera that doubles up as a rubber stamp? Why? The answer is simple….just for fun! As of now digicams offer a variety of options and modes (sepia, landscape etc.) to take pictures and edit them. Stampy Digital Camera gives you the option of creating a rubber-stamp version of your photograph, so that you stamp it onto any sheet of paper or surface. If you ask me, the best way to tweak this concept will be to have it stamp out pictures in multi colors instead of the single red. What do you think?

Designer: Jinhee Kim

Stampy Digital Camera by Jinhee Kim




America: Where Are You Moving From?

Cool interactive map from Forbes.com, looking at the cities Americans are moving to- — and from.

Forbes doesn't go into the qualitative factors, but one would imagine it includes things like employment opportunities, social options, housing costs, taxes, etc.


Manhattan: Young people move in, older marrieds move out


click thru for Detroit, LA and Seattle

Detroit: (Everyone Out of the Pool!)


Seattle: So that's Where everyone else went!


Los Angeles: Last person out of Cali please turn off the lights!


And for those of you who blame high California taxes for their exodus, how do you explain Miami ?