June 25, 2013

Just How Green Is Earth, Really?

Raj J Salecha shared this with you.

In the most literal sense of the word.

Click to launch the gallery.

These images were taken by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership, a satellite run jointly, as the name suggests, by NASA and the NOAA. In these shots, the satellite is using a Visible-Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite, or VIIRS, to see the difference between vegetation-rich and arid land. It bounces beams off Earth and detects changes in its reflection, allowing it to see vegetation, since vegetation reflects infrared and near-infrared light in a different way than other materials. But it's even more useful than that; VIIRS is used to monitor not just the existence of vegetation, but how it changes and expands and contracts over time.

Check out the gallery above to see just how green va rious parts of the globe are.



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How To Get Rich In Your Country Of Choice [Infographic]

Raj J Salecha shared this with you.

It's easy! Just inherit gobs of cash.

How do the rich get rich? The answer depends on geography.

This infographic, designed by studio BoldFace and published by Independent Newspapers, breaks down, for various regions, how the rich earned their dough. In the United States, it's a landslide: 67 percent of wealthy survey respondents said they made it big by "savings through earnings." In the Middle East, meanwhile, "inheritance" is just barely the most popular way of striking it rich, with 49 percent of respondents saying they got their dough passed on to them. Since the graphic was published in Irish newspapers, there's also of ton of data on how Ireland's rich accumulated their wealth.

The infographic still leaves a couple que stions open. How is "wealthy" being defined here? And what can we attribute to the differences: culture, laws, or something else? Either way, go ahead and use this as your field guide to your very own cash-filled swimming pool.


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June 04, 2013

The Private Yacht of Kitchen Sinks Has Room For Weeks of Dirty Dishes

Raj J Salecha shared this with you.

The Private Yacht of Kitchen Sinks Has Room For Weeks of Dirty Dishes

If you can't help but stare in awe whenever you get the chance to peek inside a professional kitchen at a restaurant, you'll be ecstatic to hear that KWC's Waterstation is actually designed for home use. Albeit a home with a very big kitchen and enough disposable income to afford a $15,000 sink, but it's nice to know such luxury exists for when you make it big.



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