March 09, 2010

Top Furniture for Geeks

Just a few short years ago, the word Geek still had negative connotations attached to it. Companies didn't really make products designed specifically for those of us who proudly label ourselves as Geeks. Today, though, all of that has changed. It seems that nearly every company now sells products aimed at our Geeky side. You can find everything from shower accessories to jewelry – and everything in between! There are several websites dedicated to selling nothing but Geek items. If you know where to look, you can even find some amazing Geek furnishings for your home!!
Scrabble Furniture
Periodic Table

Nintendo Chair
Geek Door Lock
CD Chair
Book Chair
Pac-Man Shelves
Pac-Man Coffee Table
LEGO Couch
Number Keys Seat
Rubik's Cube Tables
Calculator Chairs
These are just a few of the things that I've come across on my travels across the web. What Geeky furniture have you seen, that I may have missed?

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