May 06, 2010

The Possibilities of an Interesting Haircut

Someone reminded me I should not mention horse photography without mentioning Tim Flach, which is absolutely correct. I interviewed Mr. Flach back when I was a baby blogger. Here was my favorite question:

Tell me more about the Zonkey and the Zorse.

Oh yes, the crossbreeds. The reason I approached them is that they're animals that can't breed on. You know, we cross breed a donkey and a horse to make a mule, and it can't breed on. But the donkey has a function– basically it has low-mileage if you talk about food against how much work it does. So a mule is an efficient breed. We have it because we don't have to give it a lot of food, and it's sure-footed and it's strong. Well, a Zonkey and a Zorse, which are other crossbreeds, don't have any of those attributes. They're merely done because man can do it, and we fancy the exotic. And their mentality is totally schizophrenic; I mean, they're not stable, you can't ride them. The point is, they're bred because people can breed them, not because they have any logical function. I think it really brings in to question why man is doing these things.

Zonkeys and Zorses!

Mr. Flach's latest work is a bit more, shall we say…. groomed. Enjoy.








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