December 14, 2010

Wikileaks’ James Bond Styled Secret Headquarters Revealed


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via Instant Fundas by Kaushik on 12/13/10

If you thought Wikileaks is being operated out of a memory stick from a dinky cold basement by some sleep-deprived programmers ready to abandon their hideout at moment's notice, think again. Recently pictures of the supposedly secret headquarters surfaced through a number of news sources – pictures that will blow your socks off. A headquarter located in a cave 100 feet below the ground in a former Cold War nuclear bunker futuristically redesigned to look like a set out of a James Bond movie.

Wikileaks-Headquarters (1)

The disused bunker turned datacenter was reopened in 2008 and redesigned by Swedish architects Albert France-Lanord. Complete with a 'floating' conference room, suspended glass corridors, lunar landscape flooring, designer furniture, and even, intriguingly, German U-boat engines as back-up generators. "All that is missing is the bleached-blond Assange himself, stroking a white cat", writes The Daily Mail.

The bunker which could reportedly withstand a nuclear attack, vast cave, also houses dozens of computer servers used as storage by many companies.

Wikileaks-Headquarters (2)

The offices feature lunar-landscape flooring, glass corridors and a 'floating' conference room

Wikileaks-Headquarters (3)

Two old submarine engines are used as emergency backup generators

Wikileaks-Headquarters (4)

Wikileaks-Headquarters (5)

Wikileaks-Headquarters (6)

Above the main server room is a suspended glass corridor leading to a round see-through meeting room.

Wikileaks-Headquarters (7)

Wikileaks-Headquarters (8)

Wikileaks-Headquarters (9)

The exterior of the main server room.

Wikileaks-Headquarters (10)

The floor plan of the office.

© Instant Fundas, 2010


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