October 18, 2011

50 Excellent Images of World Elders


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via Phototuts+ by Peter Carey on 10/18/11

As we travel through life, we are taught to respect our elders. This message rings true around the world as leaders within communities of various surroundings and belief systems are revered. Their wisdom and experiences are diverse and memorable to all who know them. Today, we'll bring you collection of image that capture of the essence this individuals.

Within their faces are lifetimes of dreams, both realized and lost. Their hands have mentored the young, nurtured culture and participated in an array of commerce. Our elders have earned their place in history and it is with respect we present this homage to their striking personalities.

The opportunity to make these sorts of images should be treated as a privilege, not just because it usually is one, but because it will likely make the experience and your images much better. The key to all of these photos is access. You must be familiar with customs and etiquette. If you're hoping to capture the true nature of the elders that you encounter, you should treat them the same way you treat your own grandmother.

Also, when forming these relationships or any that will result in photos, you must connect with people on a personal level. People love to share about their experiences and their history. Most likely older individuals will have experienced things before you were born, so that is typically a great place to start talking. Those much older than you will also have gone through and survived the stage of life you're going through. Ask for advice.

Most of us at one time or another will complete school, start a family, switch careers or deal with loss of a loved one. Our elders have all gone through these already and many are happy to share their experiences, mistakes and successes with you. Asking these questions has two benefits, you create an environment better suited for picture making, and you might just learn something new. Without further ado, here are the images.

South Pacific Copyright Graham Crumb

Location Unknown Copyright Randen Pederson

Location Unknown Copyright jonel hanopol

South Africa Copyright Steve Evans

Afghanistan Copyright isafmedia

South Pacific Copyright Graham Crumb

Location Unknown Copyright Derrick Tyson

Afghanistan Copyright isafmedia

Market – Portugal Copyright Pedro Ribeiro Simoes

Do you seen or taken any images of elders. Please share them with us by posting a link in the comments below.


Things you can do from here:


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