February 01, 2011

70 Inspiring Takes on Transportation Photography


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via Phototuts+ by Joel Bankhead on 1/25/11

To truly travel is a photographers dream. On setting out on an adventure our thoughts may lie entirely in the future, the places we're going, and amazing things we'll see once we've arrived. For many of us an exiting destination is the only thing that will persuade us to get on a plane at all…

But what about the travelling itself? Isn't our use of incredible machines to travel great distances not one of the most romantic and fascinating aspects of any journey? Below we'll look at some basic tips for capturing beguiling and creative shots of travelling and transportation before diving into a gallery of 70 inspirational examples!

Not Just Machines…

In order to move beyond taking lifeless photos of our transportation, it's worth consciously trying to capture something above and beyond the ordinary.

What are the most dramatic aspects of your particular mode of transport? How does it make you feel? Is its motion unerringly powerful or marked by effortless subtlety? What about the people around you?

Moving Objects

When looking more practically it's worth bearing in mind that some of the most dramatic shots of transportation will feature significant movement. There are two key ways to capture and express motion in photography: to blur the moving object while keeping the background in focus, or to blur the background while keeping the object in focus.

To blur the object itself is, by and large, the easiest of these two techniques and simply requires the use of a tripod and a good sense of timing – you may only get one shot! To blur the background while keeping a moving subject in focus is called 'panning' and can produce amazing results if you can get the hang of it!

The key is to pan your camera along with the moving subject to achieve a relatively sharp subject but a blurred background. It works best when the subject's trajectory is straight and predictable but takes a good deal of practice, or some welcome good fortune, to get it right!

Be Original!

While perhaps less practical than the previous tip, using your creativity and imagination when shooting transportation is at least as important!

Consider your elevation, the features of the landscape, and think carefully about the composition. A varied array of techniques such as good use of symmetry and expression of motion go a long way towards achieving a stunning shot!

Photo Inspiration


transportation photography tips and examples

Kicki Holmén

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Joshua Davis

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Stefan Sonntag

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John Ward

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Evan Leeson

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The U.S. Army

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François Roche

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Jeff McCrory

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Kelvin Pulker

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James Loesch

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John Hietter

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Kim Seng

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Chaval Brasil

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Matt Hintsa

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Jim Maurer

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The U.S. Army

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Luis Argerich

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the longhairedgit

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Paulo Margari

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Trey Ratcliff

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Aaron Hockley

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Juan Ruand

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Bartek Kuzia

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Trey Ratcliff

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Chuck Patch

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Dene' Miles

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William Cho

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Ville Miettinen

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Claudio Alejandro Mufarrege

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Dene' Miles

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Steve Jurvetson

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Ville Miettinen

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Simon Bray

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Jakob Hürner

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The U.S. Army

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Joel Bankhead

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Nguyen Hung Vu

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Alberto P. Veiga

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Ville Miettinen

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Evan Leeson

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Asim Bharwani

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Michael J. Slezak

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Thomas Hawk

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Atilla Kefeli

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Jeff Laitila

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Jo Christian Oterhals

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Lian Chang

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Steve Calcott

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Akshay Mahajan

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Paulo Margari

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Simon Whitaker

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Trey Ratcliff

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Jerrycharlotte Miller

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Christopher & Amy Cate Esposito

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transportation photography tips and examples

Trey Ratcliff

transportation photography tips and examples

Further Reading

Here are a few links to really useful tutorials and articles that will teach you more about this type of photography:

Share Your Own Images!

Hopefully this has given you some new inspiration and got your creativity flowing so that next time you're on a journey you'll think again about leaving your camera in your bag. We'd love to see your favourite travelling photographs – just post a link in the comments below!


Things you can do from here:


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