February 02, 2011

Sonic Slideshow #2: Wonderful Winter Photography


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via Phototuts+ by David Appleyard on 2/1/11

After publishing our call for entries a few weeks ago, I'm pleased to let you know that we've now completed our second Sonic Slideshow! Combining your photography with a soundtrack from our sister site, AudioJungle, we've created another fantastic photo slideshow (with a few prizes to boot!).

Today we bring you a roundup of 30 wonderful winter photos submitted by readers, our second "Sonic Slideshow", and – to top it all off – our winners announcement!

The Sonic Slideshow Video!

The audio used in this track is called Icicle Melt. Congratulations to DarkSunz – you'll be the proud recipient of $20 marketplace credit!

Our Chosen Photos

Here are all the photos that made it into the slideshow this time around. Thanks to everyone who submitted their images, and I hope the following shots inspire you to head out in the cold with your camera!

Julie C

Waldek Chadzynski

Jussi Pietarinen

Stanislav Yaremenko

Thomas Richter

Stephen Thomas


Hugh Leoidsson


Matt Kursmark

Darren O'Rourke

Nathalie Ouederni

Greg Brophy

Jan Richard Tallaksen


Richard Kolasa


Vincent Ribbers


Chad Rames

Maximilian Zimmermann

Jared Campbell Photography



Giona Andreani

The Winners

Congratulations to the three winners of this month's Sonic Slideshow, who will be receiving $20 marketplace credit! They are:

We'll get in touch with you to let you know how to claim your prize, but it would be really helpful if you could email us at photo@tutsplus.com with your details. Thanks!

Stay tuned for future editions of Sonic Slideshow, and thanks again for submitting all of your fantastic photos. It was a pleasure to go through and choose our favourites!


Things you can do from here:


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