May 31, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles


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Cookie Dough Truffles

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Is there anything better? Well, actual chocolate chip cookies would rank right up there I suppose.

But really, how many times have we all eaten raw cookie dough before shoving those babies in the oven to bake? I know I have. Risking raw eggs with every bite.

Well, worry no longer because Lindsay of Love and Olive Oil has just written her first book, The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook, filled with recipes using eggless raw cookie dough in cakes, pies, brownies, ice cream and more. We met at a Food Blog Forum event a couple of years ago and this year when I heard about her book I was captivated. How can you resist a title like that.

So this weekend I tried the basic Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles recipe from her book. It involved dipping so I was all in.

Cookie Dough Truffle Ingredients

All you need is flour, sugar, brown sugar, salt, butter, milk, vanilla and chocolate chips.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

No egg and all safe to eat by the spoonful. (See note in recipe about raw flour) And you might want to do just that because it's so good.

Cookie Dough Truffles

Or you can make truffles. Use a 1-inch scoop for even amounts of dough.

I got more than 30 from the recipe but I can't say exactly how many because, well I may have eaten some first. You know how cookie dough goes.

Cookie Dough Truffles

After you scoop them, roll them into round balls like the third one up from the bottom right. Yeah. I forgot to take a picture of them all rolled.

Then freeze them so they'll be firm enough to dip.

Cookie Dough Truffles

You can use popsicle sticks to dip them in candy coating and then just sprinkle with tiny sprinkles. Smaller sprinkles are better for these because of the size of the truffles. And of course you can always just leave them stickless too.

Chocolate Sprinkles

I used these Dark Chocolate Decoratifs from India Tree for the first time and I love them. They are tiny, delicate squares of chocolate and they will need to cover some cupcakes soon too. Really soon.

Cookie Dough Truffles

Try writing on the popsicle sticks for an added touch. These would be cute on display for a party.

If the chocolate starts to pool too much at the bottom after you dip, here's what I do to help them look pretty.

It can be messy, but effective.

Dipping Cookie Dough Truffles

Dip the ball in candy coating…

Cookie Dough Truffles

… and dot or slide the bottom of the coated ball on wax paper to pull off some of the excess coating.

Then just add sprinkles and set it over to the side in a clean spot on the wax paper to dry. Easy peasy and it makes them pretty.

Cookie Dough Truffles

They'll taste the same no matter what they look like though, so now worries. Except for how many you'll want to eat. These are pretty addictive little treats.

So… I dipped about half the balls in chocolate coating but about halfway through I had another idea.

Cookie Dough Truffles

It started with flattening the balls into little patties (the less perfect the better) and then freezing them for dipping.

Dipping into peanut butter coating for color this time. Sound interesting?

Can you see where I'm going?

Cookie Dough Truffles

You guessed it.

Chocolate chip cookie decorated chocolate chip cookie dough pops.

I just couldn't resist.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles

Too too cute.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles
from The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook (Thanks Lindsay!)

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
chocolate candy coating
popsicle sticks, cut in half (use kitchen scissors to make a clean, smooth cut)

  • In a large bowl, beat butter and sugars with an electric mixer until light and fluffy (about 3 minutes).
  • Mix in milk and vanilla.
  • Add flour and salt and mix on low until combined.
  • Stir in chocolate chips.
  • Chill dough in refrigerator for about 30 minutes until firm enough to roll or scoop into 1-inch balls.
  • Place rolled balls on a wax paper lined baking sheet and place in the freezer for at least 15 minutes. (I had mine in for about an hour so longer is okay, too)
  • Melt candy coating following instructions on the package. Remove a couple of balls from the freezer at a time and insert the cut stick into the ball. Dip in candy coating and let any excess fall off back into the bowl.
  • Add small sprinkles on top and place on wax paper to set. If the chocolate pools at the bottom of the ball, dot the balls on the wax paper until most of it is pulled off the ball and then place it on a clean spot of the wax paper to set.
  • Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to a week.

If decorating like chocolate chip cookies, flatten the balls into patties and freeze for dipping. Insert the stick carefully into the thickness of the patty and dip in melted peanut butter candy coating. Then just sprinkle with more mini chocolate chips before the coating sets.

Enjoy and if you're a cookie dough lover, check out Lindsay's book! It's available now for pre-order and releases on June 5th.

Cookie Dough Book Cover

Note: Hey guys – I just wanted to update this post after reading some of your comments about using raw flour and the possibility it could make you sick. Here's an article about an outbreak in 2009 that was traced back to raw flour (Thanks Allie for sharing the link in the comments section). It's seems to be the only example and it doesn't say conclusively that it was the cause, but I wanted to share the information so you can make a more informed decision before you decide to make these.


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