June 26, 2012

Skin Cancer Infographic


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via The Infographics Showcase by Infographics Guy on 6/12/12


Summer is here which means more and more people will be spending time outside. We have all been told to make sure we put sun screen on but we may not have really thought why. This infographic has great information about skin cancer which can be caused by too much sun.

Infographic Review


Infographic Design: A+

This infographic has been well designed and the layout makes the information easy to follow. The bright yellow color makes it fun to look at and the red type on it stands out against the yellow. Every section is clearly defined and the images match the information around it. I think it is smart to make the words skin cancer larger in the title to grab the attention of readers. All of the data was presented in a way that was easy to understand and made sense with the topic of the infographic. I think that this infographic was nicely done with awesome colors and an easy to follow layout.


Infographic Information: A

The information about skin cancer was great at explaining more about the cancer. The definition right at the beginning is a great way to introduce the topic and gives the reader some knowledge going forward. Also the facts at the beginning were shocking enough to grab reader's attention. I did not know that skin cancer was the most common form in the United States.  I think the section on the different types of skin cancer gave great information about each one and showed the percentage of people diagnosed.  It is also important to know what causes skin cancer and the list of things that cause skin cancer was a great way to show readers that it is not just the sun that causes it. With all the negative talk about skin cancer it was good that the infographic ended with a positive note about how the sun is also good for you. Overall this was a really great infographic that not only looked good but had interesting information about skin cancer.


Infographic provided by reusethisbag.com where you can buy Bulk Reusable Bags and custom shopping bags.

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